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Boring to Soaring: How to Add Creativity, Humor, Storytelling and Audience Engagement to Your Speech

2 1/2 hour LIVE webinar. April 27th, 2024. 10:00 AM -12:30 pm (MST)


Is your talk accidentally boring? Here's how to tell:

-Do you get Standing O's when you're done? 

-Do flocks of people talk to you after?

-Do you get social media followers or clients after?

-Do you get hired for other speaking events on the spot?

-Is your content original or something we can find on the internet?

-Do you have stats on your slides?

-Are you using stories that aren't 100% of your own?

-Are you utilizing each learning style so that everyone in the audience has a chance to engage?

If your speech is accidentally boring, it's ok. We're here to help by offering for you this:

2 1/2 LIVE webinar on April 27th, 2024 10:00 am - 12:30 pm (MST) will help you go from a speech that's "hum ho" to 'Standing O" by utilizing the following:


  • Do's and Don't for engaging slides (Hint: Slides are not for stats-boooring.)
  • The Hook: Why the 1st 5-7 minutes is everything in your speech
  • Storytelling from an actor's perspective
  • Understanding and including the 3 different learning styles of your audience
  • Staging, props, and visuals
  • Audience engagement (No bad conference dancing please - unless it's your brand.)
  • Audience's emotional journey
  • Foundational phrases and take aways
  • Timing. Is. Everything.
  • Humor: the fine art of funny
  • Q & A time with Stacy

Stacy Pederson is an award winning actress and clean comedian who is now a full time Funny Keynote Speaker.

Stacy will share what she has learned through the years from an acting perspective, comedian perspective and a paid professional speaker perspective.

In other words - you're learning from someone who actually does what she's going to teach.

Stacy will be sharing this content as a LIVE webinar. 

This Webinar is WAY cheaper than hiring Stacy for 1 hour of coaching - yet you'll still get to ask her specific questions regarding your particular talk.

Seats are limited!

Webinar will be recorded if you are unable to make the webinar live.

There is ZERO sales pitch after. This isn't a "get you in the door and upsell you to something else later". It's 100% content. Period.

Not convinced? That's ok. Email Stacy with questions. [email protected]